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Yet Another Dependency Injection library

yadi is a simple and small dependency injection library. yadi can inject dependencies using constructor injection and property injection


Installing yadi is easy like running

$ npm install Begad666/yadi reflect-metadata --save


$ yarn add Begad666/yadi reflect-metadata

You will need a transpiler that supports decorators

To enable decorator support in typescript, add "experimentalDecorators": true in your tsconfig.json like:

    // ...
    "compilerOptions": {
        // ...
        "experimentalDecorators": true,
        // ...
    // ...

yadi also requires support for Map. If you need to support a JavaScript engine that doesn't support Map, you will need to import a polyfill.


Import reflect-metadata and yadi in your entry point like:

// src/index.ts
import "reflect-metadata";
import { Container, inject } from "yadi";
// ...

Create a new container:

const container = new Container();

Optional: Add a new namespace:


Bind dependencies:

// If using property injection
class VeryTallPaper {
    private ruler: Ruler;
    get height() {
        return this.ruler.measure();
// Or if using constructor injection
class VeryTallPaper {
    public constructor(@inject("ruler") private ruler: Ruler) {}
    get height() {
        return this.ruler.measure();
class Ruler {
    public measure() {
        return 10;
container.bind("verytallpaper") // or container.bind("verytallpaper", "papers") if using namespaces

Resolve it!

const paper = container.resolve("verytallpaper") // or container.resolve("papers:verytallpaper") if using namespaces
paper.height // 10

If you don't want to inject everything into the container use the create method of container like:

container.unbind("verytallpaper"); // Or don't bind it at all
const paper = container.create(VeryTallPaper)
paper.height // 10

API Docs

The API docs is available at https://begad666.github.io/yadi