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Type aliases


ContainerOptions: { resolveChildren: boolean; resolveParent: boolean }

Options for Container

Type declaration

  • resolveChildren: boolean

    If the container cant resolve a dependency and it has children, should it check them in order until it finds one?

  • resolveParent: boolean

    If the container cant resolve a dependency and it has a parent, should it check the parent?


Filter: { arrayMaxSize?: number; subName?: string; tags?: string[] }

Used by Namespace.resolve to filter implementations

Type declaration

  • Optional arrayMaxSize?: number

    If used with array: true with Namespace.resolve or Container.resolve, will limit the amount the array provides

  • Optional subName?: string

    Filter by subName

  • Optional tags?: string[]

    Filter by tags


NamespaceUnion: Namespace | CustomNamespace

An union that specifies Namespace and CustomNamespace



  • afterConstruct(): PropertyDecorator


  • bindLazyInject(container: Container): (name?: string, namespace?: string, filter?: Filter, cache?: boolean) => PropertyDecorator
  • Utility method to bind lazy inject to a container


    • container: Container

      The container to use

    Returns (name?: string, namespace?: string, filter?: Filter, cache?: boolean) => PropertyDecorator

      • (name?: string, namespace?: string, filter?: Filter, cache?: boolean): PropertyDecorator
      • Parameters

        • Optional name: string
        • Optional namespace: string
        • Optional filter: Filter
        • Optional cache: boolean

        Returns PropertyDecorator


  • inject(name?: string, namespace?: string, filter?: Filter, array?: boolean): PropertyDecorator & ParameterDecorator
  • A decorator to add an injection entry. Can be used on parameters or properties


    • Optional name: string

      The dependency name

    • Optional namespace: string

      The namespace

    • Optional filter: Filter

      Filter property

    • Optional array: boolean

      Inject arrays

    Returns PropertyDecorator & ParameterDecorator


  • lazyInject(container: Container, name?: string, namespace?: string, filter?: Filter, array?: boolean, cache?: boolean): PropertyDecorator
  • A decorator that injects a dependency lazily using container. Mostly used for classes where you can't control the creation of it. Can only be used on properties


    • container: Container

      The container to use

    • Optional name: string

      The dependency name

    • Optional namespace: string

      The namespace

    • Optional filter: Filter

      Filter object

    • Optional array: boolean

      Inject arrays

    • cache: boolean = true

      Cache return values, can be invalidated by setting the property to undefined

    Returns PropertyDecorator